Our Amazon Wishlist

Every day, BVB is contacted by members of this community that require basic needs.
Most of these families are in financial turmoil and unable to purchase the most commonly used items. Such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, and even laundry detergent.
Our goal here at BVB is to fill the gap temporarily until these families can regain financial footing.
With your support, we can accomplish that goal.
How "You" can support!
One of the biggest, easiest and quickiest ways to support BVB's pantry and storage is to purchase them from our Amazon Charity Wishlist.
This wishlist includes items that families need every day. Ranging from diapers & formula to body care and food for children.
By making a purchase from this list, it helps us keep a stocked supply and be able to assist families at a moments notice.
The even brighter side: NO CROWDS when you are wanting to do your part in Building the Brazos!
PSSSSS.... You can also add us to your Smile.Amazon.Com!
Brazos Valley Blessings Inc is our public listing. By adding us, each of your Amazon purchases, helps us reach our goals.